Unfortunately, I took a hiatus from the process, instead focusing on a new original series and my personal career as an educator and graduate student.
I'm now back at it, intent on finishing the series and self publishing my authentic work that I am sure all of you will love.
So how can you help keep Afterhogwarts alive? Tell your friends, family and anyone who is interested in finding out what happens to Harry Potter after Hogwarts about my cite. Share it on Facebook, twitter and blogs. Leave comments, create Vines. Spread the word as best you can. If I know that there are many of you interested in this, and wanting to know how things will end there will be no more hiatus moments.
I make no money off of this, all the content is free for everyone. My hope is that if you enjoy my writing as the author of Afterhogwarts.com that you will also enjoy my original story and become of fan that work as well. Fulfilling my dream as a full-time writer for young adult fiction.
Thank you for you attention!
Now get back to reading!
Love, Adesa. O